Classic Homeopathy combined with Orthomolecular therapy (food advices and supplements) can threat all kind of illnesses, acute or chronic, physical, emotional or mental and at any stage of life!
In the past, before antibiotics were discovered, many doctors were using homeopathic remedies for all kind of diseases, even very severe illnesses and infections. Their knowledge and experience are still available in books preserved from those times. Plants and other substances which are traditionally used for a long time by other cultures are also widely used in Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is very well known to treat allergy, hay fever, skin problems, pain in articulations, flu, fever, and more recently for auto-immune diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn, Ulcerative Colitis, etc..)
Homeopathy can also help for other complaints, physical, emotional or mental. For example, in the last 20 or 30 years, many children have been cured with Homeopathy in cases of bronchitis, cough, infection, asthma, otitis, eczema, psoriasis, headache, and also in cases of emotional problems, lack of concentration, restlessness, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, or behaviour problems.
Homeopathy is now more and more often used for other psychological problems such as low self-confidence, depression, burn-out, compulsive disorder, anxiety, fears, anorexia, or bulimia.
For adolescents, Homeopathy can be of great help in a time of intensive growth (often associated with pain in the bones), many changes both mentally and physically, the need to assert their personality, often through conflict with their parents, and to find their own way in life.
For every age and kind of complaint, Homeopathy can be of great help. Chronic illnesses such as rheumatism, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, migraine, lungs and ears inflammation, stomach or gastric problems (IBS, ulcerative colitis), hormonal disbalance - such as premenstrual syndrome, hypo or hyperthyroidism, flushes of heat - bladder and gynaecologic problems - such as cystitis, fibroma, endometriosis, polyp, infertility - can be treated with Homeopathy.
Acute problems, for example, due to an accident or overuse such as inflammation, RSI, whiplash, fracture, sprain, can also be treated with Homeopathy. In case of severe injury, a Homeopathic treatment can be applied in parallel with allopathic treatment.
Homeopathy can also help you if you have to be operated, or if you have to go to the dentist to reduce anxiety, pain and bleeding and help you recover faster.
During pregnancy, delivery and postnatal period, Homeopathy is certainly the best medicine to use in order to avoid side effects of medicines for the child and the mother, and because many hormonal changes can produce complaints which can be treated very well and very gently by Homeopathy.
By very severe illnesses, Homeopathy will not replace a regular treatment, but will help and support the recovery process. It will help your body to cope with heavy medicines and their side effects, make sure that your level of energy stays at an optimal level, stimulate your recovery, treating in depth the origin of the problem, so that you will eventually recover faster. Homeopathic remedies can help with side effects of regular treatments such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, so that you will eventually be able to cope with higher doses of the regular treatment and keep an optimal level of life energy.
For illnesses which are said to be incurable, Homeopathy can reduce the amount of pain or complaints and very often stop or slow down the progression of the illness.
For older people, Homeopathy can also be of great help, for example in cases of depression, anaemia, bad assimilation, memory weakness, diabetes, infections, fears, anxiety, apathy, paralysis, Alzheimer, Parkinson or other problems.
People who already use regular medicines can also be treated with Homeopathy and food supplements. When the complaints become less severe, they can slowly reduce their medicines, in agreement with their doctors.
Homeopathy is very well known to treat allergy, hay fever, skin problems, pain in articulations, flu, fever, and more recently for auto-immune diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn, Ulcerative Colitis, etc..)
Homeopathy can also help for other complaints, physical, emotional or mental. For example, in the last 20 or 30 years, many children have been cured with Homeopathy in cases of bronchitis, cough, infection, asthma, otitis, eczema, psoriasis, headache, and also in cases of emotional problems, lack of concentration, restlessness, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, or behaviour problems.
Homeopathy is now more and more often used for other psychological problems such as low self-confidence, depression, burn-out, compulsive disorder, anxiety, fears, anorexia, or bulimia.
For adolescents, Homeopathy can be of great help in a time of intensive growth (often associated with pain in the bones), many changes both mentally and physically, the need to assert their personality, often through conflict with their parents, and to find their own way in life.
For every age and kind of complaint, Homeopathy can be of great help. Chronic illnesses such as rheumatism, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, migraine, lungs and ears inflammation, stomach or gastric problems (IBS, ulcerative colitis), hormonal disbalance - such as premenstrual syndrome, hypo or hyperthyroidism, flushes of heat - bladder and gynaecologic problems - such as cystitis, fibroma, endometriosis, polyp, infertility - can be treated with Homeopathy.
Acute problems, for example, due to an accident or overuse such as inflammation, RSI, whiplash, fracture, sprain, can also be treated with Homeopathy. In case of severe injury, a Homeopathic treatment can be applied in parallel with allopathic treatment.
Homeopathy can also help you if you have to be operated, or if you have to go to the dentist to reduce anxiety, pain and bleeding and help you recover faster.
During pregnancy, delivery and postnatal period, Homeopathy is certainly the best medicine to use in order to avoid side effects of medicines for the child and the mother, and because many hormonal changes can produce complaints which can be treated very well and very gently by Homeopathy.
By very severe illnesses, Homeopathy will not replace a regular treatment, but will help and support the recovery process. It will help your body to cope with heavy medicines and their side effects, make sure that your level of energy stays at an optimal level, stimulate your recovery, treating in depth the origin of the problem, so that you will eventually recover faster. Homeopathic remedies can help with side effects of regular treatments such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, so that you will eventually be able to cope with higher doses of the regular treatment and keep an optimal level of life energy.
For illnesses which are said to be incurable, Homeopathy can reduce the amount of pain or complaints and very often stop or slow down the progression of the illness.
For older people, Homeopathy can also be of great help, for example in cases of depression, anaemia, bad assimilation, memory weakness, diabetes, infections, fears, anxiety, apathy, paralysis, Alzheimer, Parkinson or other problems.
People who already use regular medicines can also be treated with Homeopathy and food supplements. When the complaints become less severe, they can slowly reduce their medicines, in agreement with their doctors.